Articles Tagged with Chicago domestic violence attorney

ben-white-194220-copy-300x200Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects thousands of people each year in the Chicago area. It is a crime that comes with hefty fines and lengthy probation or jail time. When you are involved in a relationship that could wind up ending in a domestic violence incident and charges, you need to know what the common causes might be. The following will outline the causes of domestic violence so you are aware of your actions and prepared for what is to come if ever charged with this crime.


One of the most common causes of domestic violence is that of control. When one person in a relationship needs to have control of the other, it can wind up leading to domestic violence. Control can include needing to know the whereabouts of the other person, whom they talk to, whom they are allowed to hang out with, where they can go after work, and so much more. Abusers often feel a need to control the other person due to low self-esteem, issues with jealousy, feelings of inferiority, problems with anger, and many other emotional issues.

ben-white-194220-copy-300x200The state will always interfere in domestic relationships if there is a threat of harm or actual harm to one of the parties. The most common trigger for a prosecution is physical violence. However, lately there has been some consideration of what other forms of abuse might mean for legislation in Chicago. Currently there are some civic domestic violence laws that are focused on both physical and non-physical forms of abuse. Sexual abuse between domestic partners is normally handled under the legislation covering sexual assault and rape.

Most members of the public will first hear about a domestic violence case by way of an order of protection, which is sometimes accompanied by relevant restraining orders. It is important to note that these orders can be issued by the criminal courts as well as the civil courts. The Illinois Domestic Violence Act is the leading piece of legislation covering this area. The act is known for covering many relationship types beyond marriage including but not restricted to:

  • Former spouses

Illinois has some of the strictest domestic violence laws in the country – enacted to recognize the serious negative impact of domestic violence on thousands of Illinois families and children. Unfortunately, with increased awareness and enforcement surrounding  these important domestic violence issues comes a greater chance of wrongful convictions.27554520141_9b38f83133

Our firm takes domestic violence allegations very seriously, while at the same time understanding that false accusations do occur, especially in emotionally charged situations like child custody disputes. If you find yourself facing domestic violence charges in Chicago, our criminal defense attorneys with experience fighting false claims of family abuse can help you seek to clear your name.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence in Illinois?

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