Picture of attorney David L. Freidberg,

greg-rakozy-203292-225x300It can be very difficult for someone to live while on probation. Probation is issued to those who are charged with a crime but wind up not being sentenced to jail time. Probation is also issued to people who are released from jail ahead of their sentence being completed. A violation of probation can be problematic for the person serving it. Let’s take a look at what happens if you violate your probation so you can be prepared for what is to come.

Violation is Not Discovered

It is entirely possible that you could violate the terms of your probation and have it go undiscovered by the prosecutor assigned to the case. If this is the case, the prosecutor will not be able to file a motion to revoke your probation, which would send you back to jail or to jail for the first time. It is not uncommon for this to happen based on the terms of your probation and what is considered a violation. Even though this is possible, you should still adhere to the terms so you do not risk going to jail.

daniel-garcia-473223-unsplash-copy-300x199Violent crimes occur just about anywhere, but they most often occur in the city. Chicago is no exception. Being charged with a violent crime can force you to put your life on hold, especially if you are convicted and sentenced to time in prison. The minute you are arrested and charged with a violent crime, you need to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to begin fighting for your freedom. Let’s take a look at the crimes that are considered violent:

Domestic Violence

Quite possibly one of the most common types of violent crime is that of domestic violence. Domestic violence is when one person uses behavior, language, and threats in an attempt to control or intimidate someone else. It most often occurs between family members, such as parents and adult children, siblings, spouses, partners and anyone living together. You do not technically have to be married to be involved in a domestic dispute. You do not even have to be living together. You could be divorced, separated, or dating.

kira-auf-der-heide-352824-unsplash-copy-200x300Are you facing kidnapping charges in the Chicago area? Are you worried that the charges will land you in jail for a long time? Regardless of your situation, the best thing you can do when charged with kidnapping is hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. An experienced lawyer will be able to evaluate your case and provide you with an honest assessment. An experienced lawyer will also be able to help you build one of the defenses to kidnapping charges outlined below.

The Victim Gave Consent

One of the most common defenses used against kidnapping charges is that the victim actually gave consent. This means that the person who went with the alleged kidnapper originally did so because he or she wanted to do so. At some point during their travels the ‘victim’ decided that they no longer wanted to be with the kidnapper and became fearful, regretful, or angry. This is usually what then leads to the claim of kidnapping and the subsequent arrest and charges filed.

boris-debusscher-485536-copy-207x300Facing an arrest and charges of theft in Chicago is never an easy situation. Whether this is the first time you have been arrested or you have gone through this before, it never gets easier. You might have to face a different judge or have your case handled by a different prosecutor. Either way, there are defenses available to you to fight the theft charges so you do not simply have to give up your freedom and spend time in jail.

Right of Ownership

One of the most commonly used defenses to theft charges is right of ownership. You can not simply tell the judge that you thought the item belonged to you and hope that this will work in your favor. You will need to provide some sort of evidence that proves it makes sense that you would believe the item you took belonged to you. This can be an invoice, receipt, warranty, owner’s manual, or any other piece of evidence that proves you either own the property or that you believed you owned the property.

smn-bcc-601011-unsplash-copy-300x200If you are facing a felony charge in Chicago, you are likely worried that your life will be turned upside down, and rightfully so. There is no way to pinpoint what is going to happen if the case goes to trial and you wind up with a conviction and subsequent sentence. The even more unlikely assumption is what will happen to you once you have served your time. How will you assimilate back into society? Will your friends and family accept you with open arms? Here are some tips for restoring your life and reputation following a felony conviction.

Narrow Employment Search

One of the first things you need to do once you are released from prison is begin your search for employment. Depending on the crime you were convicted of, it could very well leave you with a narrow search. For example, if you committed any type of white collar crime, you likely will not be able to get a job in the banking, finance, or securities industries. If you committed a sexual offense, you will not be able to work in the education field.

william-stitt-162589-unsplash-copy-300x200White collar crime is most common in the corporate world. It is a group of crimes that are typically committed by business people who have access to insider information, funds, assets, and other items. Those who commit a white collar crime can face years in prison if convicted and if they are not able to reach a deal with the prosecutor assigned to the case. Let us take a look at the different types of white collar crimes.

Securities Fraud

Securities fraud is one of the most common types of white collar crime committed today. This white collar crime occurs almost exclusively in the corporate world. The most common form of securities fraud is that of insider training. Insider trading occurs when a person who has information about the company for which they work and uses it to their financial advantage.

javier-villaraco-235574-copy-300x225When you are facing felony charges in Chicago, you will likely be scared about what is to come. Even if you have been charged with a crime in the past, facing a felony charge can be life changing. A felony conviction can lead to years in prison, thousands of dollars in fines, restitution, and many other penalties. Even after you have served your time, you could very well still struggle to return to a normal life. Today, we will take a look at how a felony conviction can change your life.


Once your trial is complete and you are found guilty of the felonious crime, you will begin your post-conviction life. This is one of the more difficult parts of life as a convicted felon. This part of your life starts with sentencing. You could very well wind up with the maximum recommended sentence from the judge. Or, you could be sentenced to a handful of years in prison. The judge will take into account statements made by the plaintiff, the victim’s family, and any statement you make.

chris-liverani-552022-unsplash-copy-300x194Plea bargaining is an important part of the legal system. It is one of the most common, if not the most common way cases end. Not every case will end in front of a judge and a jury. A large number of them are dropped or end with a plea deal. So, what is a plea deal? A plea deal is an agreement between the prosecutor on the case and your criminal defense attorney. Let us take a look at plea bargaining and how it can help your situation.

Two Types of Plea Bargaining

There are two types of plea bargaining that attorneys talk about – charge bargaining and sentencing bargaining. Charge bargaining occurs when your attorney negotiates with the prosecutor to reduce the charges or drop some of them in exchange for your guilty plea to a different charge. Sentencing bargaining occurs when your attorney and the prosecutor negotiate a lighter sentence in exchange for you pleading guilty or no content to the charges levied against you.

tertia-van-rensburg-37121-copy-300x224Assault and battery cases occur on a daily basis in Chicago. If you are ever charged in such a case, it is important for you to know what you face moving forward. For starters, you should never defend yourself in court when it comes to even minor or misdemeanor charges. There is no reason you should mess with your freedom or your rights. Let’ us take a look at assault and battery cases in today’s post so you know what to expect if you ever face these charges.

Definition of Assault

The most common definition of assault is when one person threatens to harm another or incites the fear of harm in another person. It could also include the intent to injure another person. For the most part, contact with the victim is not necessary for someone to be charged with assault. That is why you do not need battery to be present for assault be a charge, while on the other hand battery requires assault for both charges to be issued.

amritanshu-sikdar-253730-unsplash-copy-300x200Drug charges are some of the most common criminal charges issued in the Chicago area. Even if you are no stranger to drug charges, you will want to know the different defenses you can use to fight the charges levied against you. It does not take much to fight a drug charge in Chicago, but you should always protect your rights with the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Your freedom is something you should never take for granted by nonchalantly accepting whatever charges were filed against you. Let us take a look at the most common defenses to drug charges in today’s post.

Someone Else’s Drugs

One of the most common defenses to a drug charge when caught in possession of drugs is that the drugs belonged to someone else. So many people use this defense as soon as the police officer initiates the contact. They carry this defense with them to their criminal defense attorney’s office and then in front of a judge if the case gets that far. This will require quite a bit of evidence to prove.

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