Picture of attorney David L. Freidberg,

A number of changes and additions to Illinois’ criminal laws took effect on January 1. Some of the changes are procedural, while others modify or add crimes to the books. Here are some of the changes that will impact criminal defense work in Chicago.


“Skype” Search Warrants: Judges will now be allowed to authorize search warrants based on sworn testimony provided over electronic methods, such as Skype or FaceTime, that utilize both an audio and video component. The judge must be able to see and hear the officer or attorney requesting the search warrant in order to sign off on it. Defense attorneys will keep a close eye on how this new law works to determine if putting it into action violates a criminal defendant’s right against unreasonable search and seizure. The court is authorized under this new law to establish best practices and procedures, so there may be the opportunity for defense attorney concerns to be considered and made part of the process.

One possible upside for the issuance of these types of warrants is the potential for these proceedings to be recorded. This would be another tool for defense attorney’s to use at trial or on appeal to show that law enforcement exaggerated the evidence used to justify issuance of the warrant or the need for one to be issued in an emergency. Defense attorneys routinely review the information included in the warrant and the officer’s accompanying notes in support, but being able to see and hear the testimony given to the judge, and not just what was written in the warrant, could be extremely helpful.

Grooming: The current grooming law, which prohibits the use of the Internet to seduce or entice a child to commit a sex offense, has been expanded. Under the new law, a charge of grooming also includes the distribution of photographs depicting the child’s sex organs.

Controlled Substances: The drugs “25I-NBOMe,” “25B-NBOMe” and “25C-NBOMe”, which are marketed as an LSD substitute, are now included on the list of Schedule I controlled substances. The changes came after the drug was linked to at least 19 deaths across the country over a 16-month period.

Expungement and Sealing of Records: This law allows a person to petition the court and request that his criminal conviction for misdemeanor assault, aggravated assault, battery, or reckless conduct be sealed as soon as four years after the termination of the defendant’s sentence. The defendant must not have committed any crime since his sentence was completed.

Electronic monitoring. Under this new law, judges are permitted to order, as a condition of bail, a risk assessment evaluation and electronic monitoring through GPS for defendants charged with certain violent crimes, regardless of whether an order of protection has been issued against him.

Photo lineup procedures: The law makes extensive changes to how police conduct photographic lineups, which should hopefully minimize law enforcement bias in the process and help cut down on eyewitness misidentification.

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An Evanston man was arrested and charged with burglary for allegedly breaking into three Elgin gas stations last month and stealing cash and Illinois state lottery tickets.


Illinois Burglary Requires Intent to Steal

Under Illinois law a person commits the crime of burglary if:

  • He knowingly enters a building;
  • The entry is without permission, and;
  • His entry is with the intent to steal or commit a felony.

Burglary is a specific intent crime, which means the prosecution must prove that the defendant knowingly entered the premises without permission, and that he intended to steal once he was inside. This definition raises an interesting point about burglary that many people do not realize – it is possible to illegally enter a building without permission, steal something, and yet not be charged with burglary. How? It all depends on when the intent to steal was formed.

Here is an example. It’s freezing on the streets of Chicago, and a homeless man is looking for a warm place to spend the night. He breaks the window of a doctor’s office so he can sleep on the couches in reception. That is his only purpose in entering the office – to get a good night’s sleep in a warm place. At this point, he has fulfilled the first two elements of the burglary charge.

When he awakes in the morning, he notices an open drawer. Upon further inspection, he sees an envelope containing petty cash. He decides to take it, along with some drugs that were unlocked in a cabinet. Although he intended to steal from the doctor’s office when he took the money and the drugs, the man did not commit burglary. That is because his intent to steal was not present the moment he illegally entered the office, but was formed later. The intent to steal must be present when the person illegally enters a building.

Now this does not mean the man cannot be charged with a crime. He could be charged with trespass and theft, but not burglary. The distinction is significant, because burglary is a felony, whereas depending on the value of the items stolen, the theft may only be a misdemeanor, which means a much shorter prison sentence, if convicted.

Chicago Burglary Defense

In any case of burglary, the first line of defense would be to argue that it was not the defendant who broke into the gas stations. The article states that police linked him to the crimes through stolen lottery tickets. Assuming that they do not have images of him on video surveillance, then the only evidence linking him to the crime is the stolen lottery tickets. Possession of the lottery tickets in and of itself is not proof that he was the one who illegally entered the gas stations and stole the tickets. He may have received them from a friend after the fact, or he could have found them all discarded in a dumpster after the real thief tried to dump them. Regardless, even if he knew, or should have known, they were stolen, this does not make him guilty of burglary.

The second line of defense, as discussed above, would be to prove that the defendant did not have the intent to steal when he entered the premises. If it can be proven that he entered for any non-criminal purpose, and decided to steal only later, as discussed above he could not be charged with burglary.

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A substitute teacher with the Chicago Public Schools was recently arrested and charged with indecent solicitation of a child and intent to commit predatory aggravated sexual assault. The arrest was made after police and the school discovered suggestive texts allegedly sent from the defendant to the former student, a 14-year-old.


Chicago Indecent Solicitation of a Child

Indecent solicitation of a child is committed when an individual age 17 or older knowingly solicits a child to engage in sexual penetration or sexual conduct, with the intent to commit the act, or knowingly discusses sexual conduct or penetration with the intent that the act be committed.

The police in this case have texts allegedly sent by the defendant to the victim requesting a date and asking her to have sex with him. Assuming that police statements regarding the nature of the texts is correct, a defense against this charge would require proving that either the defendant did not send the texts, or that he did not know he was sending them to a minor.

The news is full of stories about teens send elicit text messages to each other, often as a way to harass or bully other students and even adults. Teens also have a history of playing pranks on teachers or trying to get them in trouble for retaliation against a poor grade or some other perceived slight.

Children today grew up with technology and are avid users of all forms of social media, including texting. Thus many of them are adept at hacking into other’s phones, intercepting IP addresses, or even making it look like a text came from a person it did not.

In any case where technology, particularly computers or smartphones, played an essential part in the alleged crime, it is vital to have a forensic expert examine the phone that allegedly sent the texts, the phone that received the texts, and all data associated with the messages to determine if the messages were actually sent by the owner of the phone. This can be traced via IP addresses, date, time and location the messages were sent, even whether the phone was re-routed through a different address. Evidence obtained in a forensic search could show that the messages were sent at a time when the phone was not in the defendant’s possession, from a location he never frequented, or from a different address altogether.

If it can be proven that the defendant did in fact send the texts, then it would be necessary to prove that he knew he was sending them to a minor. Presumably, since he had taught in the girl’s school, he was aware that she was underage. But it is possible that he believed he was sending them to a different person – perhaps he transposed a number, or the student shares a name with an adult in his phone contact list and he didn’t pay close enough attention to the recipient when he inputted the number (it is not uncommon for students and teachers to interact via social media or e-mail, so the idea of him having a student’s cell phone number is not that far off). The student may have mistakenly believed he was soliciting her, or may have realized his error but thought it was funny to play along. Regardless, if it cannot be proven that the defendant knew he was interacting with a minor, then he must be acquitted or the charges dropped.

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A Chicago man was arrested last week and charged with attempted first-degree murder after allegedly firing at two Chicago police officers as they were arresting him for shoplifting. The defendant allegedly fired once, though nobody was injured; he continued to fire not realizing the clip had fallen out.


Attempted First-Degree Murder of Police Officer

A defendant can be charged with attempt of a crime if, with the intent to commit a specific offense, he commits “any act that constitutes a substantial step toward the commission of that offense.” To be convicted of attempted first-degree murder, the prosecution would need to prove that the defendant intended to actually commit that crime.

First-degree murder requires an intent to “kill or do great bodily harm”, or acting in a manner that creates a “strong probability of death or great bodily harm”, to another. If the prosecution could prove that the defendant in this case fire the officer’s gun with the intent to either kill them or cause them great bodily harm, then he can be convicted of attempted first-degree murder.

Assuming it can be proven that the defendant did purposely grab and fire the officer’s weapon during the arrest, as opposed to the trigger accidentally being pulled in the struggle, it firing due to a malfunction, or the officer actually being the one to fire it, then the prosecution would have the burden of proving intent to kill or harm. Defending against attempted first-degree murder would require arguing for a lesser crime, such as assault. This defense requires convincing the jury that the defendant fired the weapon not with the intent to kill the officers or cause them harm, but instead to scare them, most likely so he could continue to try and make his escape.

Eyewitness testimony as to the direction the weapon was fired during the arrest could help support this defense. If the gun was aimed away from the officer’s, it would tend to show that the defendant did not intend to cause death or great bodily harm, but rather to scare them. A gun aimed away from the officer’s would also disprove the idea that he should have known his actions could result in death or bodily harm (the other elements required to prove first-degree murder), because nobody would expect a gun fired away from a person would cause him harm.

An interesting aspect of this case are in-court statements made by the defendant’s attorney that the defendant is a pastor and was recently honorably discharged from the Army. These actions don’t fit with the idea of a pastor and respected Army veteran. This raises the possibility of several state of mind defenses – perhaps the defendant was suffering from PTSD from his time spent in the Army. It would be worthwhile to have the defendant submit to a psychological evaluation by an independent third-party to determine his mental state, which could possibly negate him having the proper state of mind, or could be used in negotiations with the prosecution to reduce charges.

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In response to officer killings of unarmed men around the country last summer, the Chicago Police Department equipped 30 police officers with body cameras late January, as part of a pilot program to provide evidence (or lack thereof) of police misconduct, such as unlawful search and seizures or excessive force, in arrests and interactions with the public. The cameras, which will be clipped to the officer’s uniform, headgear or glasses, will be piloted for 60 days before a decision is made whether to expand the program.


Chicago Police Officer Misconduct

One of the greatest areas of office misconduct is the violation of a suspect’s Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizures. Whether it is an overreach of the Terry stop, which allows the police to approach anybody on the street they reasonably believe is about to commit a crime; an unlawful search of a suspect’s car at a routine traffic stop, or; failure to read a suspect his Miranda rights, police officer misconduct routinely occurs. Unchecked, it can cause mistrust of the police and the imprisonment of innocent defendants.

Police brutality due to excessive force or even racial profiling is another area of misconduct that has been in the news quite a bit the past few months, with the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police officers.

Police body cameras can help prevent excessive use of force and unlawful search and seizures by making the police accountable for their actions. For the majority of Chicago police officers, use of the body cameras will not change the way they do their duties because they are honest, upstanding members of the force. In these cases, the body cameras can only be a benefit to them, as it will prevent wrongful accusations of misconduct.

But for those handful of officers who routinely violate the civil and criminal rights of Chicago citizens, body cameras should prove to be an extremely useful tool in cutting down on this behavior. For some officers, knowing that the body cameras provide a record of their actions will cause them to stop and think twice before using force where it’s not necessary or searching a victim without probable cause.

For those who are not deterred by the presence of cameras, the images they capture will ensure that the innocent will not be sent to prison. And it will provide that all important evidence that could result in the indictment and conviction of officers who overreach their authority, ensuring that the real criminals are behind bars, and giving victims of police misconduct the evidence they need to file civil rights lawsuits.

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A female jailer at the Cook County Jail was arrested and charged with felony custodial sexual misconduct recentlyafter an internal investigation allegedly confirmed the jailer had sexual contact with an inmate. The arrest was part of an ongoing operation by the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to uncover corruption and inappropriate conduct at the jail.


Sexual Misconduct with Chicago Inmate

You may be wondering how it is possible that sexual contact between two consenting adults be a criminal offense – and a felony, no less. The answer lies in the fact that the jailer is in a position of authority over the inmate. Much like doctors, psychologists, lawyers, or any other professional in a position of trust and/or authority over another cannot have sexual relations with their patient/client, a prison guard is in a position of authority over all inmates, and the law deems the inmate incapable of granting consent to any type of sexual act.

The defendant is charged with custodial sexual misconduct. A prison guard or other penal system employee commits custodial sexual misconduct if she engages in sexual conduct or sexual penetration with a person in custody. Note that penetration is not necessary to be convicted of custodial sexual misconduct. Any type of sexual conduct – such as touching private parts above or underneath clothing – is considered sexual misconduct.

There are three possible defenses available to a defendant in this situation.

The sexual conduct never happened

The first is that the conduct never happened, and that the victim fabricated evidence. In this situation, the arrest was part of an ongoing investigation by the sheriff’s office looking for corruption within the jail’s ranks. It is unknown if inmates were offered any special privileges or offered reduced jail time if they cooperated with the investigation and/or helped uncover corruption. Any transcripts, recordings or notes of conversations between the victim and other prison officials would need to be examined, and the victim and officials he had contact with interviewed, to determine if he was promised anything in exchange for informing on allegedly corrupt officials. If any such evidence came to light, it would show that the victim had motive to make up a sexual encounter for his own self gain.

The defendant was the victim

The second possible defense is that the defendant was the victim, rather than the one who initiated the sexual conduct that resulted in the charge. If there is any evidence that she was coerced or threatened to engage in sexual conduct with the victim, then the charges would have to be dropped or a verdict of not guilty handed down at trial.

The defendant did not know the victim was an inmate

The third possible defense is if the defendant had no knowledge, and no reason to believe, that the victim was in custody. Evidence that could tend to prove the defendant did not know the victim was an inmate include:

  • Where the encounter took place (i.e., if he was granted privileges that allowed him to be out of the general population), or
  • Whether he was wearing a prison-issue uniform during their encounter, or attire that could have made the defendant think he was either another guard or a civilian

If none of these defenses are feasible based on a review of all the evidence, then it may be in the defendant’s best interest to negotiate a plea for a lesser charge.

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A Northbrook woman was charged with residential arson for allegedly setting fire to the second floor of the home she shared with her mother. Neither the defendant nor her mother were home when the fire broke out.


Defense of Chicago Residential Arson

Residential arson has two elements that must be proven in order to gain a conviction. First, the prosecution must prove that the defendant knowingly, by either fire or explosive, damaged real property valued at $150 or more without the owner’s consent.

If arson is proven, the next step in proving residential arson is to show that the defendant knowingly damaged, in whole or in part, any building that is another person’s home. The defendant can be charged with residential arson even if he lives in the home as well – so saying “It is my home, I can burn it if I want” is not a viable defense if the home is shared by anybody else.

But that raises element of residential arson, which is proving that any other people in the home actually lived there. For example, if it can be proven in this case that the defendant owned the home and her mother was merely visiting her, then she could not be charged with residential arson since she did not damage the property of another – she damaged her own property.

It is also necessary to prove the amount of damages caused by the fire. If the damage was less than $150 then there can be no arson charge. A damages determination would also require a review of the home’s condition prior to the fire, in order to ascertain how much damage was caused by the fire versus how much damage was present before the fire.

Any arson defense requires an extensive investigation into the cause of the fire. The police and fire department, and possibly a homeowner’s insurance agent, would investigate and prepare a report on the fire’s origins. In addition to reviewing these reports, an independent investigation by forensic experts is also useful to get an unbiased third-party opinion on the possible causes of the fire. David L. Freidberg has a team of forensic experts at his disposal that can assist in this investigation.

Because an arson charge requires that the defendant knowingly set the blaze, an independent investigation can help determine possible causes for the fire that were purely accidental, rather than purposeful. Such causes may include:

  • Faulty wiring;
  • A smoldering cigarette;
  • A cooking appliance left plugged in and turned on, such as a hot pot;
  • Space heater or lamp tipping over;
  • Clothing or other object left on a radiator, space heater, hair dryer, or other heating device;
  • Fireplace fire not properly extinguished;
  • Large appliance, such as a television or computer, crashing and igniting;
  • Grease fire from cooking appliance, or;
  • Overloaded outlets.

If it can be shown that the fire began as a result of any of these scenarios, then it can be argued that the defendant did not knowingly set the fire, and as a result could not be found guilty of committing arson.

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A Chicago woman was charged with child endangerment following the beating death of her 16-month-old son at the hands of her boyfriend. The mother was charged after evidence showed that she had been aware that the boyfriend was allegedly burning her son while he cared for him, but did not get treatment for the injuries and continued to leave the boy in her boyfriend’s care.


Illinois Child Endangerment and the Requirement of Knowingly

A person endangers the life or health of an Illinois child when she knowingly:

  • Causes or permits the life or health of the child to be endangered, or
  • Causes or permits a child to be placed in circumstances that endanger his life or health

As I have discussed in posts on other crimes, whether the defendant’s action was done “knowingly” is a specific element of the crime. In order to gain a conviction, the prosecution must be able to prove that the defendant left her son with the defendant knowing that his life and health were in danger.

In this case, the defendant’s family members on different occasions noticed the burn marks on the child and suggested she take the boy to the hospital. After her arrest, the defendant said she did not follow their advice because she was afraid child protective services would take him and her other three children away from her. She believed the burns were from a space heater in the family’s home. An autopsy on the boy showed a brain injury, broken and fractured ribs and internal damage to organs.

But just because the defendant was aware of the burn marks does not mean she was aware that her son’s life was in danger at the hands of her boyfriend. Nor does the presence of these other injuries prove that she was aware that her son’s life was in danger. There are a number of different factors that could show that the defendant had no idea her son was being harmed by her boyfriend. Such factors, which could be uncovered following an extensive review of the evidence and witness interviews, include:

  • Whether the other children showed evidence of injury;
  • Whether the burn marks on the child’s body looked to be caused by accidental touching of the space heater;
  • Whether the boy was born prematurely or had other birth trauma, which could explain some of the brain injuries;
  • Whether the fractures, broken bones and brain injuries occurred on the day of death or prior;
  • Whether the boy exhibited any changes in behavior that could have alerted his mother to the fact that he suffered a brain injury, or;
  • Whether the child had recently been in a car or other accident that may have accounted for the internal injuries.

The presence of any one of these factors would raise reasonable doubt as to whether the defendant knowingly caused or permitted her son’s life to be endangered, and could be enough to win an acquittal or reduction of charges.

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A Chicago woman was charged with the October domestic violence related murder of her boyfriend. The woman, who stabbed her boyfriend in the chest shortly following what police called a domestic violence altercation, was charged with first-degree murder.


Defense of Domestic Violence Murder Charge

Any murder charge is a serious offense that requires an aggressive defense to avoid the possibility of a lifetime spent in prison. But murders that result from a domestic violence altercation usually come with a unique set of circumstances that mean there are a variety of defense strategies available.

Self Defense

The first line of defense in any violent crime stemming from a domestic violence altercation is self-defense. The defense would explore all of the circumstances leading up to the stabbing to see if the evidence supported the idea that the defendant felt her life was in danger when she stabbed the victim. Evidence that may support this defense would include:

  • Cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprained or broken bones, defensive wounds, or other evidence that showed that the victim physically attacked the defendant prior to the stabbing;
  • Testimony from neighbors who overheard the altercation and could testify that the defendant was being attacked;
  • Evidence that the defendant had physically assaulted the defendant in the past, such as a prior criminal history of domestic violence or past protection orders;
  • Whether landlines had been cut or the victim’s cell phone otherwise tampered with, to prevent her from calling for help, or;
  • Evidence showing that the victim had his hands on the knife or another weapon at the time of the stabbing, such as his fingerprints on the knife or another object that could have been used to cause death or serious bodily injury.

If the evidence showed that the defendant feared for her life when she stabbed the victim, it could result in the prosecution dismissing the charges, or in an acquittal from the jury.

Imperfect Self-Defense

Imperfect self-defense, as I have discussed in the past, is when the victim believed she was acting in self-defense, but that belief was unreasonable. If the defendant can prove she acted in imperfect self-defense, then the charge would be dropped to second degree murder.

Much of the same evidence that would be used to prove self-defense would also be used to prove imperfect self-defense. In cases where the victim of domestic violence murdered her batterer, the victim was not in immediate danger of being seriously injured or killed. Instead, it is the past actions of the batterer, coupled with statements made shortly before the murder, that make her reasonably belief that her life is in danger and requires the use of deadly force to protect herself.

For example, the longer a couple is together, the less the need for actual physical violence to keep the victim “in line”. A certain look, or just a few harsh words, from the abuser are enough to let the woman know that she is in danger, even though those same actions would mean nothing to an outside party. So while her actions would seem unreasonable to outsiders, to her they were completely reasonable. Evidence of the couple’s history, including any documented incidences of abuse, could sway the jury to acquit based on self-defense.  However, for those jurors who feel that a first-degree murder charge is too much, but an outright acquittal is not punishment enough, a charge of second-degree murder can sometimes be a reasonable compromise for them.

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A Chicago man was charged with six counts of theft by deception for allegedly obtaining merchandise through telephone solicitations and then turning around and selling it for cash.

Defense of Chicago Theft by Deception


The article does not clarify the alleged deception, but one likely scenario (and the one we will assume for purposes of the discussion in this post) is that the defendant posed as an employee of a charitable organization and called homes and/or businesses soliciting donations. Upon being offered items of significant value, collected the items and turned around and sold them for cash.

Regardless of the details of how the alleged crime unfolded, theft requires that the defendant “knowingly” obtain control over another’s property by deception. So defense against the charge would focus on raising reasonable doubt as to whether the defendant’s actions were done with proper intent – whether he knew that he was obtaining control over another person’s property through the alleged deception. Factors that would need to be considered in determining whether the defendant had the requisite knowledge include:

  • Did the defendant make the phone calls soliciting the property;
  • If the defendant made the phone calls, was it at the direction of a third-party for what he believed was a legitimate, legal purpose, and;
  • If the defendant sold the property at the direction of a third-party, did he know it was obtained through deception.

If the defendant made the phone calls and sold the property under the direction of a third party, and was led to believe that the solicitation and sale of the property was for a legitimate purpose, then he did not knowingly obtain control over the property with the intent to deprive the owner of his control. Instead, he himself was under the false assumption that the solicitation was genuine and not for the purpose of illegally obtaining the victim’s property.

If, however, the evidence tends to show that the defendant did knowingly obtain the property through deception, then it would be to his advantage to negotiate a plea agreement with the prosecutor. The defendant was charged with six counts of theft ranging from $300 to $1,000 per instance. Assuming that five of the six charges were for $1,000, the maximum value of stolen property would be $5,300.

Going to trial for a string of thefts of such a small amount – and in cases where the victims willingly gave away their property, albeit under false pretenses – would be a waste of time and resources for both the prosecution and the court system to have a case this size go to trial. These types of cases are prime examples of how the skill and expertise of an experienced Chicago theft crimes attorney can mean the difference between a lengthy prison term – theft of less than $10,000 in property is a Class 3 felony, and conviction on each charge carries the possibility of between two and five years in prison – and a concurrent sentence or even probation. Continue reading

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