
Articles Posted in cybercrime


Mother Faces Charges of Cyberbullying Teens and Daughter

In a bad mood? Want to turn it around with a little cyberbullying? Think again. A Michigan woman is facing charges related to cyberbullying teenage students, including her own daughter, according to authorities. The woman is facing five counts, including, most importantly, stalking a minor.  The woman’s own daughter and her boyfriend…


Man Indicted on Child Pornography Charges Used Kik Messenger App 

An Illinois man who was a registered sex offender was indicted on new child pornography charges after exchanging photos with an undercover agent on the Kik Messenger App. Kik has gained notoriety for being a den of child pornography enthusiasts exchanging photos. The app provides the user with total anonymity…


What Happens if You are Charged With a Cyber Crime in Chicago?

The internet has been a useful platform for people to conduct business, keep in touch with their friends and family, and to communicate with people across the globe. Yet, not everyone who has access to the internet uses it with good intentions. If such use results in breaking laws, one…


Cyber Security in Chicago

Cyber terrorism is a serious crime. Obviously, this falls on the higher end of the offenses that are committed on the internet. Chicago, like many states, is trying to update its laws in order to deal with these threats in an effective way, bearing in mind the fact that the…


Cyber Bullying in Chicago

One of the current and most insidious forms of harassment is cyber bullying. It is now recognized as a serious crime in Chicago and prosecutors are highly motivated to go for those that continue doing it under the auspices of instrument number 720 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 5/12-7.5. The problem…


Cyber Terrorism in Chicago

Terrorism is the current concern of the cyber security community. The key legal principles are laid out at a national level. However, there are many other forms of cybercrime which are largely downgraded yet quite capable of harming people. This is not just a problem for Chicago, but for the…


Cyber Extortion in Chicago: The Stand and Deliver Law

The computer has been used to commit crimes, right from its inception. More recently, the city of Chicago has had to contend with the reality of cyber extortion. The state has certain duties and liabilities which include investigation and prosecutorial powers. The essential ingredients of the crime are that the…

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