
Articles Posted in criminal procedure


How to Build a Strong Defense to Criminal Charges

Facing criminal charges in Chicago is frightening. You likely are not sure where the case will go and if you will ever see your freedom again. Not every criminal case is open and shut. There might not be enough evidence to secure a conviction on the part of the prosecution.…


Rules of Evidence in Chicago

The practice notes for the rules of evidence remain an important cornerstone of justice in Chicago. Specifically, the court wants to hear, see, witness, and assess evidence that is accurate and timely. Without the rules of evidence, the court process is delayed, and the outcome is inevitably compromised. If we…


Updates: Criminal Case Proceedings in the State of Illinois

Clients who are involved with the criminal justice system in Illinois are understandably intimidated by the processes and rules. That initial panic is the main reason why so many defendants make a host of mistakes that come back to bite them later on as the case is disposed of. The…

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