
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog


Charged with Kidnapping? Use These Defenses

Are you facing kidnapping charges in the Chicago area? Are you worried that the charges will land you in jail for a long time? Regardless of your situation, the best thing you can do when charged with kidnapping is hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. An experienced lawyer will be…


The Different Types of White Collar Crimes

White collar crime is most common in the corporate world. It is a group of crimes that are typically committed by business people who have access to insider information, funds, assets, and other items. Those who commit a white collar crime can face years in prison if convicted and if…


How Will a Felony Conviction Change My Life?

When you are facing felony charges in Chicago, you will likely be scared about what is to come. Even if you have been charged with a crime in the past, facing a felony charge can be life changing. A felony conviction can lead to years in prison, thousands of dollars…


Examining Assault and Battery Cases

Assault and battery cases occur on a daily basis in Chicago. If you are ever charged in such a case, it is important for you to know what you face moving forward. For starters, you should never defend yourself in court when it comes to even minor or misdemeanor charges.…


Common Defenses to Drug Charges

Drug charges are some of the most common criminal charges issued in the Chicago area. Even if you are no stranger to drug charges, you will want to know the different defenses you can use to fight the charges levied against you. It does not take much to fight a…

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