Having been charged with Chicago armed robbery, you are aware that this is one of the most serious types of charges you can face. In fact, probation is not even an option. According to the FBI, a man in Park Ridge, Illinois, armed with a hammer, proceeded to rob a…
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog
Bradley Manning Found Not Guilty of Aiding the Enemy, Guilty of Lesser Charges
Recently, Bradley Manning, the 25-year old private who released over 750,000 pages of classified U.S. military documents and videos to the website WikiLeaks, was found not guilty of aiding the enemy – the most serious of the 21 counts he faced. Specifically, Manning faced possible life imprisonment had he…
Blast from the Past: Lessons Learned from the Chandra Levy Case
Facing a Chicago murder charge can carry significant consequences. It has been over a decade since the disappearance of 24-year-old Washington, D.C. intern Chandra Levy, but the case is back in the national spotlight as questions continue to swirl concerning the guilt of Ingmar Guandique, the Salvadorian illegal immigrant convicted…
Chicago Arrest News – Is Your Cell Phone Protected from Searches Incident to Arrest?
Living in Chicago, many people have unfortunately been subject to unlawful search and seizure by the Chicago Police Department. That’s the question two federal appellate judges are pushing the Supreme Court to decide. The U.S Supreme Court held over forty years ago that police who arrest someone have the authority…
Chicago Gun News – New Illinois Concealed Carry Law Enacted by Legislature
By now almost everyone has heard about the Chicago unlawful use of weapon statute revisions. These are also referred to as Chicago gun charges. After a protracted legal battle, Illinois has adopted legislation to permit individuals to carry a concealed gun, but the permits likely will not be issued until…
Chicago Gun UUW News – New Illinois Concealed Gun Law Sparks Federal Litigation
Despite Illinois’ recent enactment of its concealed-carry gun law, some gun rights advocates are still not happy – and, they are taking their dissatisfaction to federal court. In a motion filed earlier this month by Mary Shepard, and backed by the Illinois State Rifle Association, she asserts that having to…
Chicago Arrest News – What to do When a Loved One Has Been Arrested in Chicago
It is always a shock to hear about a friend or family member who has been arrested. While we assume that our friend will be treated as “innocent until proven guilty”, this is not necessarily the reality in every situation. Many times, police officers and detectives alike will take advantage…
Chicago Criminal Lawyer News – Why You Need An Experienced Chicago Criminal Attorney
Top 10 Reasons You Need a Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney If you find yourself in trouble with the law, guilty or innocent, you should call on the services of a Chicago criminal defense attorney. There are a number of crimes of which you might be accused and an experienced lawyer…