
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog


Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon Conviction Vacated

My client was charged with Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon under 720 ILCS 5/24-1.6(a)(1) back in 2004 and was found guilty at trial in 2006.  Subsequently, in 2012, the Illinois Supreme Court, in People of the State of Illinois v. Aguilar, held that the Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons…


Armed Robbery Not Guilty (Maywood, Chicago): You never know how a victim will testify at trial.

My 22 year old client, with no criminal background, was charged with Armed Robbery and Aggravated Battery.  This case carried a mandatory 21 year sentence if convicted because there was an allegation that a firearm was used during the offense. My client was charged along with another co-defendant after they…


Criminal Sexual Assault Case Update: Accuser Should be Held Accountable

One of the worst crimes you can be charged with in Chicago is criminal sexual assault, or rape.  Not only does it create a stigma against the person charged, but often results in lengthy prison sentences and lifetime registration as a sex offender. You may have read in the Chicago…


Got Arrested in Chicago? Be worried about what gets posted online! MUG SHOTS

Have you or someone you know been arrested in Chicago?  It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple battery charge or a more serious charge of first degree murder. Getting arrested can affect you in more ways than you can imagine.  Apparently, there are a few websites, such as, that…



The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled in People v. Aguilar, 2013 IL 112116 that Illinois’ gun statute (UUW) 720 ILCS 5/24-1.6(A)(1) is unconstitutional in that it violates the right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the second amendment to the United States Constitution.  As a result, the Cook…


Students Allege Sexual Assault via Hazing by Soccer Team

By now most of you have heard of these Chicago sexual assault charge allegations regarding Maine West High School in Des Plaines, Illinois. According to reports, during a September 2010 campus run for the soccer team, four soccer players have said that they were sexually assaulted during a hazing ritual. …


Chicago Drug Crimes – Should Chicago Implement the “Stop, Question and Frisk” NYPD Policy?

Have you ever been stopped by the Chicago Police for no apparent reason and are now facing Chicago drug charges?  You can most likely relate to the following recent story out of New York City. Following a $14,000 March, 2013 settlement to a Brooklyn man who claimed he was illegally…


When the Need to Confess Overcomes Concerns about Getting Caught

Quite often, unfortunately, defendants facing Chicago drug charges or Chicago violent crimes charges feel the need to boast of the exploits. As most of us are aware, people confess to many things on Facebook. Secret loves, bad habits, hidden longings; it appears that nowadays, nothing is too private or personal…


Chicago Aggravated Robbery News – When Pointing a Water Gun at Someone Can Result in Charges of Aggravated Robbery

Many of my clients have faced Chicago aggravated robbery charges.  Don’t be fooled into thinking that the element of aggravated or armed robbery consists solely of the use of a functioning firearm. In early August, two Chicago men attempted to hold up a West Rogers Park restaurant using a black…


Chicago Identity Theft News – The Growing Epidemic of Identity Theft Across the U.S.

As someone who has recently been arrested for Chicago identity theft, you are probably more than aware of the ever growing epidemic of ID theft in the United States. The problem of identity theft is not contained to one group of people or another, and, contrary to popular belief, is…

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