You have no doubt heard the story of a Kentucky woman who answered a knock at her door only to be assaulted by a stranger who began strangling her with a bra. The woman fended off the attacker after knocking her on the head with a ceramic chicken. The suspect…
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog
Anything You Say – or Don’t Say – Can and Will Be Used Against You in Court
The 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination is one of the most well-known rights in criminal defense, right up there with the right against unlawful search and seizure and the requirement that police read suspects the Miranda warnings. Yet a criminal suspect doesn’t always have “the right to remain silent”, and…
New Crime Bill Would Extend Statute of Limitations for Some Chicago Crimes
Legislation introduced by Illinois State Senator Michael Hastings (D-Tinley Park) would extend the statute of limitations for armed robbery, home invasion, kidnapping or aggravated kidnapping if these crimes were committed during the course of a sex crime. Illinois Statute of Limitations Statutes of limitation are imposed to encourage people to…
Plea Bargains in Chicago Criminal Cases
A criminal defense attorney’s goal is to obtain the best possible outcome for his client. Ideally, this would be a dismissal of all charges prior to trial or, barring that, an acquittal. But in some cases, the best course of action is to enter into a plea agreement. Reasons for…
Mistrials in Chicago Criminal Cases
Criminal defense trials, whether fictionalized accounts on television or in the movies or the real life versions, usually end in one of three ways – a guilty verdict, a non-guilty verdict or a mistrial. The first two are self-explanatory. But what exactly constitutes a mistrial? Reasons for Chicago Mistrials A…
ACLU Report Finds Chicago Leads Nation in Stop and Frisks
A startling new report released by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) found that Chicago police conduct more stop and frisks than any other police department in the nation. In 2014, the Chicago police conducted more than 250,000 stop and frisks that did not result in arrest, making the possibility…
Cook County Home Invasion
An Indian Head Park man was arrested and charged with home invasion after allegedly gaining access to the victim’s home by impersonating a police officer and assaulting the man. Home Invasion: Separate Offense from Residential Burglary While home invasion and residential burglary have similar elements – both involve unlawfully gaining…
Attempted Kidnapping Caught on Camera in Washington
If you watch the news or use social media, you no doubt heard about a pair of Washington state siblings who thwarted a potential kidnapping of their 22-month-old brother. The attempted kidnapping – which was caught on camera and shows the kidnapper running away with the boy in his arms,…
Illinois Supreme Court Orders New Trial Due to Ineffective Counsel
A Cook County man’s conviction for first-degree murder was overturned, and a new hearing ordered, after the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that his defense attorney provided ineffective counsel for failure to object to testimony regarding the defendant’s confession. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Watch any crime procedural on television or in…
DuPage County Man Charged with Possession of Child Pornography
A Wheaton man was arrested in late January and charged with four counts of possession of child pornography. A forensic examination of the defendant’s home computer, which was seized following the issuance of a search warrant, uncovered evidence of child pornography that had been downloaded to, and distributed from, the…