At any given time, thousands of Illinois residents are unable to secure a good job or any job at all, as a result of past mistakes. Even if you have paid your debt to society as a result of a criminal conviction, you may be one of the thousands of…
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog
Are You Being Charged With Official Misconduct in Illinois?
A former Chicago police property custodian, who had held that position since 1990, was sentenced to two years in prison this week after she was caught on tape stealing money, jewelry, and a camcorder out of an evidence facility. She was convicted of the crime of official misconduct. What…
Are You Being Charged With Embezzlement in Illinois?
Embezzlement is a so-called “white collar crime” in Illinois, meaning it is the type of crime normally committed in a professional environment or workplace. Embezzlement is a type of theft that occurs when somebody who was entrusted to manage or monitor the property or money of another person steals all…
Prostitution in Illinois
Prostitution and any acts related to prostitution are crimes under the Illinois code. Some prostitution-related crimes even require registration as a sex offender. If you are charged with a prostitution related crime in Illinois, consult an experienced attorney for guidance. What is Prostitution? In Illinois, performing, agreeing to perform, or…
Chicago Man Charged with Homicide after Woman’s Fetus Dies in Car Crash
A Chicago man is being held on $2 million bond and is being charged with reckless homicide of an unborn child, among other charges. Bail was set at $2 million Saturday for a man accused of causing a Northwest Side crash that seriously injured a pregnant woman and killed her…
Expungement of Sex Offenses in Illinois
Many people who have been convicted of a sex crime in Illinois wonder whether the offense can be expunged. There are limited circumstances in which this is possible, but it can occasionally be done. As each situation is different, it is important to consult an experienced attorney for guidance in…
Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation
Given the aging population and the struggles people face in today’s economy, more and more extended families are living together and caring for aging relatives. If you live with an aging parent or another loved one who is suffering from an age-related disease, you probably know that certain medical conditions…
Are You Facing Registration as a Sex Offender?
There are many crimes in Illinois for which if you are convicted (or found not guilty due to insanity), you are required to be a registered sex offender for a minimum period of ten years. This is a serious punishment, and if you are facing such a penalty, you need…
Have You Been Wrongly Identified in a Lineup?
Eyewitness identification is incredibly unreliable, yet can be a determining factor in a jury finding someone guilty at trial. In a study of 525 wrongful convictions, the Innocence Project found that 73% of those wrongfully convicted (235), were found guilty due to incorrect eyewitness identification. If you are being charged…
Are You Being Charged with Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon for Lack of FOID Card?
If you are in possession of a firearm and do not first obtain an FOID card (Firearm Owner Identification Card), and you are caught with it on your person, in your car, or even in some circumstances in your own home or place of business, you may be charged with…