
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog


You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide From Traffic Cameras

The moral and legal implications of traffic cameras are still hotly debated, but it seems Illinois residents may as well get accustomed to these robotic enforcement mechanisms. Illinois is one of only twelve states that permits the use of both speed and red light traffic cameras for ticketing purposes. Given…


New Law Grants Immunity to Underage Drinkers Who Seek Medical Assistance

Recently, the Illinois Medical Amnesty Law went into effect. The law, which grants immunity to underage drinkers who call 911 to report an alcohol-related injury, was partly inspired by a similar heroin exemption passed a few years ago. Both laws attempt to address the increasing number of tragic deaths caused…


Predictive Policing in Chicago: Curbing Violent Crime Intelligently

At first blush, the idea of predictive policing sounds a lot like something out of the movie Minority Report. In order to target their policing efforts, the Chicago Police Department uses a high-tech database of persons, which it refers to as the Strategic Subject List, who are most likely to…


New Illinois Law Joins National Effort to End Sexual Violence on College Campuses

One in five women will be sexually assaulted while in college, according to a recent study by the Association of American Universities. Despite the alarming prevalence of rape on campuses, many universities remain complacent or unresponsive in reacting to reports of rape. The aggressive White House initiatives and campaigns, led…


Common Myths About the Police

Many people will have to interact with a law enforcement officer at some point in their lives, but unfortunately a lot of commonly-held beliefs regarding police policies and procedures and the laws surrounding them are based on entertainment media rather than any sort of actual facts.  The following are some…


Inter-State Marijuana Shipments

The legalization of recreational marijuana in several states over the last few years has created a business opportunity that some people are finding difficult to resist. Non-commercial cultivators in states like Colorado that have legalized recreational marijuana have little legal regulation, and even less oversight, and with prices for their…


The Miranda Warning

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney.” The Miranda warning, or Miranda rights, are probably familiar to anyone who has watched police dramas or true crime shows on television, but…


The Code of Silence Within the Police Force Promotes Mistrust Within the Community

That old saying that “one bad apple spoils the whole bunch” is what may be happening in the communities where mistrust of the police is so prevalent. When you have a single police officer, or several officers committing misdeeds, including murder, against members of the communities they are sworn to…


Chicago Gun Law Issues

The city of Chicago has enacted some of the toughest gun laws in the United States in an attempt to control the city’s notoriously high rates of violent crime. Measures that they could not legislate to the satisfaction of the city council and Chicago police department without running afoul of…


Are Police Shootings Justified?

There have been several incidents recently where a Chicago Police Officer has been involved in conduct that was either illegal or borderline illegal. This should not reflect on the hundreds of officers that are outstanding in the performance of their duties, but unfortunately, it does. The responsibility should be laid…

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