
Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog


Intimidation and Extortion Crimes in Chicago

Sometimes it is hard to tell who is a victim and who is a perpetrator when it comes to intimidation and extortion crimes in Chicago. Defense attorneys have too often found themselves changing their roles in order to effectively prosecute the police department for a series of failings including gross…


How the Law in Illinois Punishes Kidnappers

Kidnapping has often been one of those crimes that captures media headlines and the national imagination. The endless post-court investigations are a cottage industry in themselves. Illinois is not much different from other parts of the US in considering kidnapping to be a serious felony that attracts significant periods of…


How Illinois is Using its Laws to Reign in Drug Traffickers

Recently, President Barack Obama pardoned a number of people who had been given mandatory sentences for drug trafficking that many in the legal profession considered to be excessive. More worrisome was the notion that the judge in a court case lost the right of discretion at sentencing because the mandatory…


Gun Crime Meets Gun Control in Chicago

For a long time gun control advocates have been looking for a test locality that would finally confirm to them that access to firearms does not lead to a reduction to crime. Chicago is as good a place as any when it comes to highlighting the contradictions between gun access…


Counterfeiting Laws in Illinois: New Rules and Interpretations

The state and definition of counterfeiting laws will tell you a lot about the community in which they are designed and implemented. Illinois is no exception. The state has a set of complex and situational rules relating to counterfeiting and forgery; a true Pandora’s Box for a diligent attorney. For…


Illinois Domestic Violence Laws Struggle to Catch Up

Although domestic violence remains one of the more grisly aspects of criminal law, it is busy enough to keep the average attorney in work for a long time. Sadly, there are far too many people in Illinois who feel that it is acceptable for them to continue battering their intimate…


Reckless Homicide in Chicago

Chicago has struggled to get rid of its reputation as the murder capital of the world. Some would argue that Johannesburg in South Africa and some cities in Middle East would give Chicago a run for its money. However the reality is that there are far too many homicides in…


The Wide Reach of the Felony Murder Rule in Illinois

The Illinois felony murder rule is a heavily debated topic. In fact, the Illinois law is one of the broadest in the country. The suspect of an armed robbery committed in Carpentersville, IL is being charged with murder because his accomplice died during the execution of the crime. U.S. Marshals…


Updates: Criminal Case Proceedings in the State of Illinois

Clients who are involved with the criminal justice system in Illinois are understandably intimidated by the processes and rules. That initial panic is the main reason why so many defendants make a host of mistakes that come back to bite them later on as the case is disposed of. The…


Aggravated Arson: Harsh Penalties in Illinois

Arson is a serious crime in Illinois. If you are charged with arson, you could be facing serious criminal penalties, including jail time. There are always defenses to an arson charge. However, the law can get complex and it is necessary to have an expert navigate the law if you…

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