
Naperville Criminal Defense Attorney

Comprehensive Criminal Defense Services in Naperville, Illinois

Navigating the criminal justice system can be a daunting experience, especially when facing serious charges. As a dedicated criminal defense attorney in Naperville, Illinois, I provide comprehensive legal services to individuals accused of various criminal offenses. This article delves into the types of crimes I defend, the relevant statutes, potential penalties, and the importance of having an experienced attorney on your side.

DUI (Driving Under the Influence)

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a significant offense in Illinois, governed by 625 ILCS 5/11-501. It is illegal to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher or while impaired by drugs or other intoxicating substances. Penalties for DUI can be severe, including fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and possible jail time. First-time offenders may face up to one year in jail, fines up to $2,500, and a minimum one-year license suspension. Aggravated circumstances, such as causing an accident with injuries, can result in harsher penalties, including longer jail sentences and permanent license revocation.

Drug Crimes

Drug offenses in Illinois encompass possession, distribution, and manufacturing of controlled substances. The Illinois Controlled Substances Act (720 ILCS 570/401) categorizes drugs into schedules, with Schedule I substances considered the most dangerous. Penalties vary based on the type and quantity of the drug and the nature of the offense. Simple possession may result in probation or imprisonment, while trafficking or manufacturing can lead to lengthy prison terms and substantial fines. For instance, possessing a small amount of marijuana might result in a misdemeanor charge, whereas possessing a large quantity of cocaine can lead to a Class X felony, punishable by six to 30 years in prison.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence includes physical, emotional, or sexual abuse within a domestic setting, such as between spouses or partners. Under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (750 ILCS 60/), domestic violence is prosecuted aggressively, with penalties including imprisonment, fines, and mandatory counseling. A conviction for domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor, can result in up to one year in jail and fines up to $2,500. Aggravated domestic battery, a Class 2 felony, carries a prison sentence of three to seven years and significant fines.

Expungements & Sealing

Expungements and sealing of criminal records allow individuals to remove or hide their criminal records from public view, providing a fresh start. Under the Illinois Criminal Identification Act (20 ILCS 2630/5.2), certain offenses qualify for expungement or sealing. The process involves filing a petition with the court and meeting specific eligibility criteria. Successfully expunging or sealing a record can significantly improve employment opportunities, housing options, and other aspects of life affected by a criminal record.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes, including sexual assault, child pornography, and solicitation, are prosecuted aggressively under 720 ILCS 5/11. Sexual assault, defined as any non-consensual sexual act, is a Class 1 felony with penalties ranging from four to 15 years in prison. Offenses involving child pornography can result in even harsher penalties, including extended prison terms and lifelong registration as a sex offender. The consequences of a conviction can be devastating, affecting every aspect of an individual’s life, from personal relationships to professional opportunities.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes, such as assault, battery, armed robbery, and homicide, are addressed under various statutes, including 720 ILCS 5/12 for assault and battery, and 720 ILCS 5/18 for robbery. These offenses carry severe penalties due to their serious nature. Aggravated battery, a Class 3 felony, can result in two to five years in prison. Armed robbery, classified as a Class X felony, carries a mandatory minimum sentence of six to 30 years, with no probation. Convictions for violent crimes can lead to long-term imprisonment, substantial fines, and a permanent criminal record, impacting employment and personal relationships.

Weapons Charges

Weapons charges in Illinois involve the illegal possession, use, or distribution of firearms and other dangerous weapons. Under 720 ILCS 5/24, it is illegal to possess certain firearms, carry a concealed weapon without a permit, or use a weapon during the commission of a crime. Penalties for weapons offenses can be severe, with mandatory minimum sentences often applying. Unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, a Class 3 felony, carries a prison term of two to five years. Enhanced penalties apply if the weapon was used in a violent crime or in a protected area, such as a school zone.


Theft offenses, ranging from shoplifting to grand larceny, are governed by 720 ILCS 5/16. Theft involves knowingly obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over someone else’s property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its use. Penalties vary based on the value of the stolen property and the circumstances of the offense. Theft of property valued under $500 is typically a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and fines up to $2,500. Theft of property valued over $500 can be charged as a felony, with penalties including multi-year prison sentences and substantial fines.

White Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes include non-violent offenses such as fraud, embezzlement, and identity theft. These crimes are prosecuted under various Illinois statutes and carry significant penalties. Theft by deception, under 720 ILCS 5/16-1, can be charged as a Class 2 felony if the value exceeds $100,000, carrying a potential prison sentence of three to seven years. Other common white-collar crimes, such as securities fraud and money laundering, also carry severe penalties, including long-term imprisonment and substantial fines.

Federal Crimes

Federal crimes are violations of United States federal laws and are prosecuted by federal agencies. These crimes can range from drug trafficking and cybercrimes to immigration violations and terrorism-related offenses. Penalties for federal crimes are typically more severe than state offenses and can include lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and federal probation. For example, federal drug trafficking charges under 21 U.S.C. § 841 can result in mandatory minimum sentences of five to ten years in prison, depending on the quantity and type of drug involved.


Murder is the most serious criminal offense and carries the harshest penalties under Illinois law. First-degree murder, defined under 720 ILCS 5/9-1, involves intentionally causing the death of another person without lawful justification. Penalties for first-degree murder include life imprisonment or even the death penalty in extreme cases. Second-degree murder, which involves killing without premeditation or in the heat of passion, carries a prison sentence of four to 20 years.

Probation Violation

Probation violations occur when an individual fails to comply with the terms set by the court during their probation period. Violations can include failing to report to a probation officer, failing a drug test, or committing a new offense. Penalties for probation violations can be severe and may include extended probation, additional fines, community service, or even revocation of probation and imprisonment. The court has broad discretion in determining the appropriate penalty for a probation violation, depending on the nature and severity of the violation.


Prostitution involves engaging in sexual acts in exchange for money or other benefits. Under 720 ILCS 5/11-14, prostitution is illegal in Illinois and carries significant penalties. A first offense is typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and fines up to $2,500. Repeat offenses can be charged as felonies, with harsher penalties including longer jail sentences and higher fines.

FAQs about Criminal Defense in Naperville, Illinois

What should I do if I am arrested for a criminal offense in Illinois? 

If you are arrested, remain calm and exercise your right to remain silent. Do not provide any statements to law enforcement without first consulting with an attorney. Contact a criminal defense attorney immediately to ensure your rights are protected and to begin building your defense strategy.

Can a criminal defense attorney help reduce my charges? 

Yes, an experienced criminal defense attorney can negotiate with the prosecution to reduce your charges or secure alternative sentencing options. This can include plea bargains, where you may plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence. Your attorney will work to achieve the best possible outcome based on the specifics of your case.

What are the potential consequences of a criminal conviction? 

The consequences of a criminal conviction can be severe and long-lasting. They may include imprisonment, fines, probation, community service, and a permanent criminal record. A conviction can also impact your employment opportunities, housing options, professional licenses, and personal relationships.

How can I expunge or seal my criminal record? 

To expunge or seal your criminal record, you must file a petition with the court and meet specific eligibility criteria outlined in the Illinois Criminal Identification Act. Certain offenses may not be eligible for expungement or sealing. An attorney can help guide you through the process and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Why do I need a criminal defense attorney? 

A criminal defense attorney provides invaluable assistance by protecting your rights, developing a strategic defense, and representing you in court. They have the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of the legal system and work towards achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Why You Need an in Naperville Attorney

Facing criminal charges is a serious matter that requires skilled legal representation. Here’s why you need an attorney and why you should choose The Law Offices of David L. Freidberg:

Legal Knowledge: Understanding the complexities of Illinois criminal laws and the nuances of defending against these charges requires in-depth knowledge and experience.

Negotiation Skills: An attorney can negotiate with the prosecution for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options.

Protection of Rights: An attorney will ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal proceedings.

Strategic Defense: Developing an effective defense strategy is crucial for achieving a favorable outcome.

Contact Our Naperville Criminal Defense Attorney For Your FREE Consultation

If you are facing criminal charges in Naperville, Illinois, don’t face it alone. Contact The Law Offices of David L. Freidberg for skilled legal assistance. With decades of experience and a commitment to protecting your rights, we offer a free consultation 24/7 at (312) 560-7100 or toll-free at (800) 803-1442. We serve clients all throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Will County, and Lake County in Illinois. Let us help you navigate the legal system and fight for your future.

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