
Chicago PD Investigated Over Sexual Misconduct With Asylum Seekers

The Chicago police department is currently under investigation over sexual misconduct with asylum seekers who recently came to the area seeking refuge from their country of origin. In one case, an officer is accused of impregnating an 18-year-old refugee. A report indicates that one officer had sex with an underage female migrant and that other officers also had sexual relationships with refugees. 

The city of Chicago has received 14,000 asylum seekers over the last year. While many have been accommodated with housing, at least 2,000 are living on floors of nearly every police precinct across the city. Some are sleeping at airports. In some cases, the immigrants were bussed there by Texas authorities, who refused to accommodate the migrants. 

Investigations began in July after one city employee claimed to have first-hand knowledge of sexual misconduct. This prompted city officials to move the asylum seekers to another location. The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, in a turn of events, stated that no asylum seekers had stepped forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. COPA said the investigation would continue, but there have been no updates since then. It does not appear that anyone has been charged with a crime thus far, despite the allegations.

Sexual Assault of a Minor in Illinois

Thus far, no victims have been identified, and no officers have been charged with a crime related to the sexual misconduct of refugees in Chicago. However, the allegations indicate that a minor was sexually assaulted by a police officer. If true, the police officer could face charges related to the sexual abuse of a minor. 

Under Illinois law, a person commits criminal sexual abuse if they commit an act of sexual conduct by the use of force or the threat of force. They can also commit criminal sexual abuse if they know that the victim is unable to understand the nature of the sexual act or is unable to give knowing consent. Further, a person commits criminal sexual abuse when they are an adult and the victim is under the age of 17 when the perpetrator is at least five years older than the victim. 

So, if the allegations prove true, the officer could face charges of criminal sexual abuse of a minor as defined by 720 ILCS 5/11-1.50.

The Situation for Migrants

While many refugees from South America and Mexico have been accommodated with temporary housing, many still languish in police stations, sleeping on the floor. As winter looms, the situation grows more dire. Many are going to food pantries to secure food, are in need of blankets, and are sleeping on the floors of police stations. 

Talk to a Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Today

David Freidberg is a criminal defense attorney who handles Chicago sexual assault charges. Call our office today at (312) 560-7100 to schedule an appointment, and we can begin discussing your defense immediately. 

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