
Articles Posted in Criminal defense


Are You Being Charged With Official Misconduct in Illinois?

A former Chicago police property custodian, who had held that position since 1990, was sentenced to two years in prison this week after she was caught on tape stealing money, jewelry, and a camcorder out of an evidence facility. She was convicted of the crime of official misconduct.   What…


Are You Facing Registration as a Sex Offender?

There are many crimes in Illinois for which if you are convicted (or found not guilty due to insanity), you are required to be a registered sex offender for a minimum period of ten years.  This is a serious punishment, and if you are facing such a penalty, you need…


Have You Been Wrongly Identified in a Lineup?

Eyewitness identification is incredibly unreliable, yet can be a determining factor in a jury finding someone guilty at trial. In a study of 525 wrongful convictions, the Innocence Project found that 73% of those wrongfully convicted (235), were found guilty due to incorrect eyewitness identification. If you are being charged…


New Program Hopes to Keep Mentally Ill Defendants Out of Jail

On the heels of the Chicago “Rocket Docket” program comes a new initiative from the Cook County Sheriff’s Office aimed at identifying – and getting treatment for – Cook County misdemeanor arrestees with mental health issues. Mental Health Crisis in Cook County Jails Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart has…


Accelerated Resolution Court Act Seek to Get Cook County Inmates Out of Jail

The Illinois Senate unanimously passed a bill that would move petty, non-violent offenders out of the Cook County jail system on an expedited basis. The bill, which creates a pilot program in the Cook County Jail, is aimed at releasing low-level offenders of crimes such as retail theft and criminal…


Forensic Podiatrists Examine Crime Scene Footprints to Identify a Suspect

Often a criminal defense case will rely on the use of expert testimony. Whether it is DNA evidence, blood splatter, fingerprint or hair analysis, this evidence must be tested and interpreted, and the results relayed to the jury by an expert in the field. Much of the forensic evidence used…


The Use of Social Media in Chicago Criminal Cases

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are changing more than just how we communicate with friends and family. It is changing the way law enforcement and criminal defense attorneys handle their cases as well. The Oak Brook police department, for example, posts alerts on its Twitter and…


FBI Admits Errors in Analysis of DNA Evidence

A joint task force comprised of the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Innocence Project and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers released a report in April indicating that in at least 90% of criminal defense trials reviewed, testimony by microscopic hair comparison analysis examiners…

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